Plasterboard Adhesive Plaster

Product Information

It is a gypsum used for bonding gypsum panels or insulation materials to surfaces such as concrete, aerated concrete, brick, pumice blocks, and exposed concrete.
Operating Time Net Weight Application Temperature Consumption Referance Standard
35 dk. / min. 30 kg. (±%2) SHOULD BE MINIMUM 5 ºC

Application Surface Features

Akalcı Bonding for Gypsum Plasterboard is used in filling of joints of gypsum wallboards

Instructions for Use

First of all, put some water in a clean sprinkle 10 It. of Akalcı Bonding for Gypsum Plasterboard in 5.0 kg of water. Wait two minutes and mix them together with some sort of mixing tool or manually until they homogenize. The environmental temperature should be mini- mum +5°C. It is very important that water, mixture and toolsmuts be cleaned. Shelf life is 6 months aſter production date. Is It is recom- mended that it should be used in 7 days aſter opening the bag.